I reworked the "concept" of Share your Power a bit. From now on I will host it every first Thursday a month. To be invited please send a request by email to get the details.
AND: It will be open to everybody who wants to connect and share. So, it's not just for photographers. If you are an art director, project manager for a NGO, a social student, a chef or run your own business. It doesn't matter. Open your mind, connect with new people and share your power and your vision!
Date: Every first Thursday a month
Location: Details on request
Kind: Open Mind Event
To find out more about Share your Power **read this post**
Friday, February 29, 2008
Open your Mind
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Personal, Photography
Monday, February 18, 2008
Andrea & Gerhard
It's great to be a wedding photojournalist. You always meet the nicest people and share a wonderful and very special day with them. My work is to capture all these emotions and happy moments. What a blessing if you can call that your "work". It's my passion. And as a side note, you can party all the weekends. For free ;)
My clients are honestly always the most special persons. I enjoy to spend their wedding day with them and their family. Even if I don't know anyone at the beginning of the day, I always feel home and part of the family when I leave early in the morning after a long, long day.
It's also great to see that my clients like to share too! Read the story of Andrea & Gerhard on their own wedding website! **CLICK HERE**
I love the header with the sunflower field, just looks awesome! And the story about Gerhard proposing for Andrea is so funny! Worth to read ;)
If the bridal couples have their own wedding website, it's also a big help for the photographer. As they can read my blog to know more about me as a person, I can also read their story, know their family etc. before I meet them. So you get more personal when you actually meet to talk about the details of the wedding and can talk just about other stuff. Like life in general. Your vision. Or your passion.
Thanks, Andrea & Gerhard, it's great to be part of your special day!
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Wedding
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Join (Us)
Lately I received more and more emails from fellow photographers that were seeking some advice, help or just a personal contact to share some thoughts, ideas or the vision of our business in the future.
I enjoyed every single contact and thought it would be a good thing to meet all those nice people in person and let them connect with each other too. Best to be done while having dinner and a cold beer or a non-alcoholic drink at hand. I personally prefer a drink called "Hurricane". Don't expect it to be non-alcoholic :)
The date is set to March 13, 2008. The first host city will be downtown Bern aka "La Capital". If you need a place to stay over night, we will find you one. I expect several people coming from the Zurich area, so there will also be the possibility to share a car and have a warm-up chat on the way.
Just send me an email if you want to Share Your Power and I will let you know the details.
Hope to see you soon!
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Personal, Photography
Friday, February 15, 2008
Drobo, transfer speed and backup workflow
Some photographers were commenting on my post about the Drobo I did some time ago. They were mainly pointing out that its transfer speed is to slow and the lack of Firewire 800 or an ethernet interface. So I updated the post with my own experience. Read it **HERE**.
If you are interested in a really bullet-proof backup workflow you should read these posts on the blog of famous sport and lifestyle photographer Chase Jarvis:
How To Back Up Your Photography: The Basics
Storage And Backup Solutions For Your Photography
That's the best I ever read about backing up your valuable images and I implemented the ideas in my own workflow. Of course it has to be customized to your own needs, but the basic ideas behind are the important thing.
Is YOUR valuable data safe?
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Photography
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Do I mind?
Yesterday I received an email from Beth. She's a photographer from Australia and currently based in London. She asked if I mind if she asked me for some help. Beth will be shooting a destination wedding in Switzerland for an Australian couple and needed some advice about the wedding photography market here in Switzerland.
Of course I do mind! I definitely wanted to help her and provided all advices I could :)
Beth, I hope you will have a great time shooting this destination wedding here in Switzerland!
By the way, Beth Jennings is an awesome wedding, portrait and travel photographer! Check out her website at www.bethjennings.com.au
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Personal, Photography