Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Read this! Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi

Recently I noticed how important it is to read books. Not just novels for entertainment (currently I'm reading Harry Potter before falling asleep :) but also books about running a business. You can learn so much by reading a good book. A lot of great authors share their knowledge, their wisdom with you. Knowledge they elaborated over years and years of work. Profit from them! And start sharing too! (remember my post about sharing? **CLICK HERE** or for another post about the importance of sharing **CLICK HERE**)

If you run your own business you will notice how important networking is. Keith Ferrazzi is like the guru in this field. He teaches you that networking doesn't just mean exchange of business cards. But more importantly networking means connecting with people, making new friends and keep the connection with people you already know alive. Connect with people, share things with them and care about them. Truly. It is a skill you can learn. And you should do so.

I'm just reading Keith Ferrazzi's famous book Never Eat Alone. I recommend this book, it will open your eyes. Especially if you always refused networking because you thought it's a bad habit to use connections. It's not. It's vital.

Check also Keith Ferrazzi's Never Eat Alone Blog if you are interested in some more information about networking and how it can help you to grow your business.

The book is also available in German: Geh nie alleine essen!

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