It starts working! Seems that I hit the nail right on the head. There really ARE more photographers in Switzerland that want to share!
Wedding and event photographer Philippe Wiget was the first one to contact me after I posted about my new little project "Dinner for One". Check out his website at
Welcome to the community, Philippe!
And because Philippe couldn't wait: Yes, I will organize a monthly photographer meeting in a host city in Switzerland. We will share our meal and share our vision.
Stay tuned for more details!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Take Off
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Personal, Photography
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Join (Me)
Maybe you already noticed this new orange button on my blog and were wondering what this 'Dinner for One' thing is about. Here comes the truth.
Lately I get more and more requests from people that read my blog or enjoy my website. May be aspiring amateurs or pro photographers or just people that enjoy photography. They ask about what equipment I use, how I do post production, where I get my albums done, how to do online proofing and more.
I remember very well how difficult it was to find out all these things by myself when I started. It took me a long time for research and I had to go through some bad experience. Sharing is not really a common practice in Switzerland. At least not yet.
For my part I really like to share (read in this post why) and also enjoy to connect with new people. I think to have lunch or dinner together is the perfect occasion to socialise and network. Just have some good food and chat. Ever read Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi? If not, start now!
So, here comes my offer: Invite me for a 'Dinner for One'. You can ask me whatever question you like and I will tell you all the secrets (just business secrets of course, not my personal ones ;-)
It doesn't have to be an expensive restaurant. Just feed me! Once in a while I might even accept fast food. But it would be worth to take some more time, so you can ask all the questions you have. You can choose the location or invite me to your house if you are a good chef in the kitchen (please send some referrals before :-)
To share with me a 'Dinner for One' just write me an email or give me a phone call. I'm excited to meet you!
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Personal, Photography
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Now it's getting complicated
Effective January 1, 2008, the Department of Transportation (DOT) through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) will no longer allow loose lithium batteries in checked baggage.
These new rules affect nearly anybody traveling by plane because lithium batteries are used in laptops, digital cameras, video cameras, cellphones etc. So make sure you know the rules before you fly if you don't want to let your lithium batteries at the airport.
What it exactly means you can find out on the website of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and on the website of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
Have a safe trip!
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Photography
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Before & After
If you are looking to hire a photographer it's not everything just about the price. Especially in wedding photography it is very important that you are in love with the (photographic) style of the photographer and that his personality fits yours. As the saying goes for a wedding photographer it is more important to be personable, than professional. Even if I think professionalism is very important if a photographer wants to be successful, his personality is the key.
Besides style and personality the price is the third important part. To be able to compare the different offers you get when looking for a wedding photographer, you have to see what is included in the price. You don't pay a photographer primarily for the hours he is working. You pay him for his experience, his vision and the (professional) services he delivers. And especially post production is an important part of it. Low-priced "Shoot-to-Burn" photographers (they shoot the wedding and burn the images from the camera/card directly to a CD/DVD without and post processing) can only work for such a low price, because they don't deliver any service.
A vital part of a professional service is also that the photographer has a backup plan. Ask for it! What if his camera breaks down in the middle of the ceremony or the whole photo equipment is stolen? How can he handle these situations? Do you really want to rely on your most important day on a photographer that has no answers for these questions? Just because you save some money? Then you can save even more money if you ask a family member to take the photographs...
Anyway, the final product of wedding photography is a wedding album. Not some images on a CD you can watch on your computer. An exclusive album with leather cover you can take in your hands, watch it and remember the emotions and feelings of this wonderful day. "Shoot-to-Burn" photographers don't do wedding albums. And I never saw a bridal couple that did it themselves. Even if they were telling the photographer that they will do the album on their own. It will never happen... That's just the experience.
So, the bottom line is, that it doesn't make too much sense to spend money on a good photographer and not order a wedding album. But that's the bridal couple's decision. I don't push anybody to order an album. I just give them something to think about and find their own decision.
Here just a simple example of a picture without and with post production, a before & after comparison:
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Before and After, Photography, Wedding
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
That's bad!
Did I mention before how important it is to backup your valuable data?
Yes, I did write about it last year in more than one post:
How bad is that!? I can't believe it...
So, if you are a professional photographer or run any other business: Do it better than they did!
PS: I'm happy with my Drobo. Highly recommended!
Posted by
Daniel Zihlmann Photography
Categories: Business, Photography