Friday, June 15, 2007

Event: Gala-Diner

Enjoy the latest slideshow of a gala diner for 800 guests on my website in the SLIDESHOWS section. If you want to jump directly to the slideshow **CLICK HERE**.

Slideshow: Gina & Marcel

Endlich sind die Fotos von Gina & Marcel online! Die ganze Slideshow gibt's auf meiner Website in der Rubrik SLIDESHOWS zu sehen. Oder **HIER KLICKEN** um direkt zur Slideshow zu springen.

Finally the slideshow of the engagement session of Gina & Marcel is online! The complete show with all pictures can be found on my Website in the section SLIDESHOWS. Or **CLICK HERE** to jump directly to the slideshow. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Engagement Session: Gina & Marcel

... and Gioia!
More pictures coming soon...